Whole Grain First cereal winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered my cereal giveaway -- I apologize for being late announcing the winner. It seems like every week I keep falling behind, despite my best efforts to catch up! No matter. I'm getting it together and today I used random.org to choose the winner of the 5 boxes of cereal and it is . . .

Jen at GoddessLibrarian!

Congratulations, Jen!

Now, full disclosure here: I happen to know Jen in real life. In fact, we're friends! For real! But, honestly, her comment number came up on random.org -- I'm legit, folks. Really. So, yay, for Jen!

Those of you who didn't win: I have ANOTHER cereal giveaway coming up next week! Woo hoo!

In the meantime, if you all have some free time and feel like voting for me in the Fitness Magazine Fitterati awards HERE, I'd be grateful. A wonderful running pal nominated me so the least I can do is put up a good showing, right? Right. Thanks to those of you who choose to vote!