Ok, lunch break over.. time to get back to the garden.. I have more kale, celeriac, kohlrabi, more onions (where to put them!), parsley, leeks, 2 apple trees and 3 more highbush blueberries.. and I should probably cover some of the garden with a row cover since my deer fence is down.. ack!
Unlike me, spinach loves this crappy weather.. |
I've got baby kales popping up all over the pathways of my garden beds.. Time to dig up and share!! |
Hmm, probably shouldn't have left these Kossak kohlrabi seedlings sitting in the garden for 3 days in the rain and in a tray with no holes.. Opps! They're rather waterlogged. |
Planting lettuce.. started these beauties inside in a plug flat and have now planted them in a checkered pattern with a lovely red leaved variety. |
Red leaf lettuce ready to plant.. dirty fingers! |
Lettuce planted - check! Next up comes my heirloom Italian endive.. this endive makes an excellent cut-and-come-again crop. |