Gardening in the Rain!

I've been waiting for a break in the weather to get more seeds and seedlings in the ground.. but since I don't see any sun in the 5 day forecast, I've decided to get out and plant anyway! The lack of sun makes it rather difficult to properly harden off and prepare my tomatoes, peppers and other seedlings for 'real life' in the garden, but when (if!) the sun does come out, I'll just toss a row cover overtop the plants for a few days to get them used to the bright yellow thing in the sky.

Ok, lunch break over.. time to get back to the garden.. I have more kale, celeriac, kohlrabi, more onions (where to put them!), parsley, leeks, 2 apple trees and 3 more highbush blueberries.. and I should probably cover some of the garden with a row cover since my deer fence is down.. ack!

My 2014 Proven Winners plants arrived
yesterday - in the rain of course.. They're
now on my front porch de-stressing
from their Fed-Ex trek. Once I've take the
boxes apart, I'll take more photos and
preview some of these soon-to-be-released

Unlike me, spinach loves this crappy weather.. 

I've got baby kales popping up all over the pathways of my garden beds..
Time to dig up and share!! 

Hmm, probably shouldn't have left these Kossak kohlrabi
seedlings sitting in the garden for 3 days in the rain and in
a tray with no holes.. Opps! They're rather waterlogged. 

Planting lettuce.. started these beauties inside
in a plug flat and have now planted them
in a checkered pattern with a lovely
red leaved variety. 

Red leaf lettuce ready to plant.. dirty fingers!

Lettuce planted - check! Next up comes my heirloom
Italian endive.. this endive makes an
excellent cut-and-come-again crop.