Progresso "Souper You" giveaway!

I'm a huge fan of The Biggest Loser (especially, Bob!) so the idea of winning two tickets to the finale of this season's show has a lot of appeal. 

But, wait. I'm getting ahead of myself, huh? What does the Biggest Loser have to do with a Progresso soup giveaway? Well, Progresso soup is running a Souper You contest where three winners will get a trip for two to Los Angeles, a head-to-toe makeover, a guided shopping spree with a $1,000 gift card, $1,000 spending money and two tickets to the live finale of the Biggest Loser!

Cool right?

Yeah, cool.

So, in support of this contest, Progresso has invited me (along with many other bloggers!) to try out Progresso soups and spread the word about the contest. I got a prize pack like this to try out:

My family and I enjoyed trying out the Progresso soups, especially the Light Chicken Noodle and the Chicken and Rice. Winter is the perfect time for soup and with a little grilled cheese on the side, it makes an easy, quick dinner. Anything that is easy and quick is always a bonus in this house!

You can learn more about Progresso soups HERE

OK, so here's what I have for you.

Souper You Contest

First, you can go to to enter the big makeover contest. Just be sure to enter by February 22nd. 

Progresso Prize Pack Giveaway

Second, one lucky reader of this here blog will win a prize pack of Progresso soups and a Biggest Loser workout DVD. To enter, just leave me a comment and let me know you want to win!

As always, you can gain extra entries. Remember, though, you must complete the required entry first! (Leave one comment per entry for the additional ones to count):

  • Follow this blog, or let me know that you already do (leave a comment)
  • Follow my main blog, or let me know that you already do (leave a comment)
  • Link to this giveaway from Facebook or Twitter (do as often as you'd like, just leave a comment each time)
  • Link to this giveaway from your blog (leave a comment)

This giveaway will run through Wednesday, February 1 at 11:59pm EST and the winner will be announced on Thursday.

Good luck!

Want to read more from The Happy Runner? Stop over HERE for more giveaways, reviews, and running- and parenting-related posts. 

Disclosure: The Progresso® Souper You® prize pack, information, coupon, and giveaway have been provided by Progresso through MyBlogSpark.

Goal For It! (review)

If you have kids, you've probably had to deal with a tantrum or two, and you've probably done your fair share of asking -- repeatedly -- for something to be done. You know, it's the whole, "Time to get dressed!" "OK, you'd really better get dressed now." "It doesn't look to me like you're getting dressed, better hurry!" "If you don't get dressed right now . . . " that kind of thing.

(Please tell me I'm not the only one who goes through this with a 4 year old . . . )

Anyway, getting kids to do their chores or whatever it is you ask of them is capital-I Important and I know that. So, I work hard to be consistent and to get my little guy to listen and do as he's told. And that includes doing the little "chores" and "good behavior" things that my husband and I have decided he needs to do.

For the most part, my son is pretty good with it all. He asks to be excused when he's done with dinner, he clears his dishes. But, he's 4. So he has his moments.

So when I was invited to review the Goal For It Chore Chart I was interested to check it out.

I popped on to the Goal For It site and was able to create a chart very quickly and easily. There are many cute themes for the chart -- I went with baseball -- and several chores and behavior goals to choose from. For my son's chart, I chose:
  • ready for school on time
  • good manners at the table
  • help clear table
  • put clothes in hamper
  • go to bed on time
  • no tantrums
Each goal has a cute image with it to make it fun for kids.

I printed out the chart and put it on the fridge. My son and I talked about it and I told him how, at the end of every day, if he met a goal, we'd put a smiley face next to it.

You'd think I told him I'd buy him a puppy. The kid was that excited.

Having the goals on paper made him accountable. He wanted to earn his smiley face so he worked for it. One day, he started to have a tantrum over who-knows-what and I simply said, "Hey, that's a tantrum" and he stopped. Immediately. And then said, "I didn't really have a tantrum, Mommy. Can I still get a smiley face?"

Call me a wimpy mom, but I let him have the smiley face.

Here's how the week ended up (we forgot to start on Sunday):

Since he had rows of smiley faces, I let him put stickers on the chart. He loved it. Overall, the chart was a hit -- and a keeper! The site really is easy to use so if you are looking for a chore or behavior or some other goal chart for your kids, check it out!

Review disclosure: I was compensated for my review but the opinions expressed are entirely my own.