Canada Blooms - Part II

Over my two days at Canada Blooms, I'm sorry to say that I didn't see everything. It wasn't for lack of trying, but there is just so darn much to see! I have plenty of photos to share, but today I thought that I would focus on some of the smaller vignettes.. the smaller gardens.. the smaller floral displays.. the smaller interesting corners of the show that drew my attention. Don't worry, grander gardens are to come, but for now, I hope you enjoy these images from Canada Blooms 2013!

Talk about a magic carpet ride! I love the
combination of the narcissi with the vibrant
cut flowers. 

This was the view directly across from where
I was book signing. And what a charming
view it was! Note the detail of an actual
spring garden - glorious rock garden perennials
tucked beneath the wheelbarrow, bulbs
in full bloom, trees just budding out. Loved it!

A closer look at the wheelbarrow..

And I thought I was having a bad hair day!
It was backlit, so the entire 'hair' was just a-glow.

Is it a pallet garden? Not quite, but a
clever knock-off.. 7 tiers of shelves for
a tidy, no space vertical garden. Available

A water element included in the Sherdian Nurseries
100 year anniversary garden. A fire-reel from
around 1913 that poured a continuous stream of water onto the dense turf.
Gorgeous! It's hard to see, but there are blooming
clematis on the wheels of the reel. 

A living portrait - sedums make an eye-catching vertical
statement in an aged picture frame. 

Who's ready for a nap? This looks like a soft
bed for a rest! Note the painting above
the bed is an abstract landscape design. Very cool!

This wall was made from very thin rough wooden planks
that were then filled in with cement. An
interesting idea for an unattractive wall or fence.

A little bit of the booth for Garden Making magazine!
A doghouse with a living roof. How cool
is that?