Just released - the cover of my next book!

To celebrate this, my 499th post, I am very exited to share the cover of my next book with you..  I was thinking  that perhaps I should wait and make this my 500th post, but I'm too impatient!! :)

So, without further ado, I'm pleased to introduce Groundbreaking Food Gardens! (coming to a bookstore near you in Dec/Jan).. Preorders are now being accepted in the US here and Canada here.

As the release date nears, I will give you previews of some of the AMAZING designs in the book - I can say that without ego as 72 of the 73 designs were created by experts from North America and beyond. The contributors include fellow bloggers, garden writers, home gardeners, professional horticulturists and a whole bunch of awesome food gardeners who are as passionate about growing veggies, fruits and herbs as I am.